Today my team mate and I went to a go kart track (which will be left unnamed but is located in Covington GA and is visible from interstate right next to sunbelt rentals) for the grand opening and left highly disappointed. Let me start out by saying that I have never complained about a go kart track in my life. As a matter of fact I have always done my best to help them out in any way I can. Some people reading this have been to functions I have put together in the past when it comes to karting (endurance mainly but sometimes just 50-100 people getting together for a good time)So, getting back to it I was excited to finally have a full fledged go kart track within a reasonable driving distance from my house!. Upon arrival we took notice to the karts and was immediately pumped up. We got our arm band, listened to instruction and suited up. After a brief conversation with the management to congratulate them on their grand opening we jumped on the karts and were ready to go out!:revs: I immediately was having a blast! Karts were ok equal, track was strange but ok, but better yet im racing my teammate AND WINNING:tire: ! We were having a good time to say the least. When we were done with our session we went in to cool off and bench race a bit. After a brief break we were ready to hit the track again. When jumping in the kart we noticed that the owner was out there giving a hand. This is something I admire about a business owner. We went out onto the track and on the first lap we noticed the owner shaking and pointing a black flag at us!!!!?????? OOOOOOOOOOOOK, normally this isn't a unusual thing. Today we were baffled to see it as these karts were fast enough to race with unlike the usual kart tracks not being fast enough to race with but usually is only good for bumper karts. Keep in mind we had went a session before this with no issues and here we are on the first lap receiving a black flag with no difference in driving. We were racing as clean as it gets and was looking at each other wondering WTF? I was thinking maybe he got us confused with someone else.So, we kept going still shaking our heads but didn't think much of it. Two laps later the owner is waiving,shaking,and pointing the black flag at us yet again but this time yelling for us to get the F$$$ off of the track! OOOOOk????, I went into the pits and asked why we were being thrown out. The owner started yelling, turned red faced, and to say he was acting unprofessional would only be a compliment . For the first time ever, I was being thrown out of a go kart track and didn't have the first clue as to why. After waiting for him to take a breath so we could ask again, he said " you were 2ft over the white line, driving up on people way too fast, and was constantly looking over your shoulder to see where your buddy was". Then points at my teammate and said "And you were pushing him down the straights, do you think this is a race track or something?.............This isn't a race track!!!!!".(We were thrown off a bit by that statement by having to wear a helmet and safety gear that was located on shelves that said "racing gear" ) At this point I was kinda speechless. (Let me describe the track layout so you can have a idea of what the track looks like. The track is a huge open parking lot with a "track" defined with white lines and about 5 cones and in between the white lines and the 5 cones there's new asphalt sealant that gives a look of a track. 20-30ft off of the white lines is nascar tires laying on their sides acting as a barrier. It was kinda strange at first but I competed in solo events for so long it didn't bother me.) After digesting what was just said to us and looking for the "you just got pranked" cameras with no luck locating them, I realized this guy was serious. My teammate asked what the first black flag was for. The owner said "I cant remember but it was something bad". At this point we started leaving. Its one of those things that you're not going to be able to even reason with. When we went inside to put our gear back on the shelf the owner followed us in and said "You had better not say a word to any of the customers on your way out either or I will ban you from the track". Considering we were leaving without a fight, I considered that uncalled for. I wish I had this on the go-pro but I don't. If I would've had it on the go-pro I can promise that this guy wouldn't have had too much business by the people that viewed it. All I can do at this point is make people aware so they cant say " I wished you had told me about this place before I wasted my time and money there". I know there's going to be some people that reads this that will think there's more to this story than what's posted. I'm ok with that as I would be a bit skeptical if this were someone else's story also. However, anyone who knows me will say different and that I'm usually the first one to brag about getting thrown out of a place but this time I can say that I'm not only baffled at the mindset of the business owner but also very disappointed. If it were me running a place of business on the grand opening day and had to coach someone with the use of a black flag, I believe I would pull them into the pits on the first warning and explain why the black flag was being given and what the next step would be. This way it gives the person a chance to correct themselves before being thrown out. Also, if I did give the black flag I would definitely remember why I threw it in the first place instead of simply saying "I don't remember but it was something bad". :confused:
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