mardi 27 mai 2014

What should I bring to a dyno session.

I'm arranging a dyno session for my FF next week, and I'd like to have the right parts on hand to make adjustments.

In particular, I only have whatever jets came in the carburetor from the previous owner. Can anyone tell me what the range of sizes of the various jets (and other carburetor parts) I should have with me?

The car is running pretty well as it sits, so would a couple of sizes up and down from what I've got be enough? Do I need more of some jets and not so many of others?

Also, what other parts should I bring? I'm already going to bring spare spark plugs and also some lighter oil (to see what I might be giving away for HP), but what else?

Any and all thoughts...

...other than anyone who tells me, "just take it to Ivey"...

...are very welcome.


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