mercredi 28 mai 2014

What is the impact of 50lbs in these cars?

Myself in the Farley-Kent-powered Piper at the end of a race is around 1150lbs. (eek!).

Last majors at Blackhawk, I was on track cars that were all around 1100... If I can keep up with an 1100lbs Honda power, what will losing 50lbs do?

How much difference is that 50lbs? I can gather acceleration, but what about cornering? Anyone ever have a night and day moment where you added or took off 20-50lbs or such and have some measurements?

I'm around 200lbs and 6'4ish.. So I can lose 20 probably..

Aluminum head would lose 19lbs...

My rear bodywork is 17lbs, where the other pipers are around 5-7.. So thinking about making up a new one..

Would all that be worth it? $2k for a head, another $500-750 for bodywork.. and my beer drinking and mexican food habits death for my 20lbs..


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