mardi 27 mai 2014

spider breakkage

This weekend was running at BIR. During qualifying put out a HUGE cloud of smoke that was referred to by other racers as "spectacular". Got back to pits and found there was oil out the back of the engine and it looks like the majority is from the left side almost to the front of the engine. From a quick look I did not see a hole in the braided line from the cooler to the front of the engine. Is there a typical problem point the oil comes from? Also had the top two legs of the spider break about 3" up from the bolt in points. The breaks were relatively clean and across the tube with no buckling. Almost like it was cut. Thought it was an odd place to break. Is there a typical reason these break?

Was hoping to learn some more from the community so I can prevent (if possible) in the future.

Steve Flaten

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