jeudi 19 juin 2014

Pinto Upgrades

Background: Some may know I am a member of the FSRAC. There has been some discussion based on member letters submitted about boosting Pinto power.

The club is always seeking to discover reasons for any drop in participation. There is some thought that pinto powered FC cars have dropped out because of non-equitable power versus the Zetec.

Six years ago I believe we had the power as equitable as possible between the Zetec and a "national" Pinto. Over time, with many Zetecs involved and cycling through rebuilds, there has been a slow evolution due to experience within the engine builder community (legal blueprinting) so as the zetec power has slowly creeped up about 6 to 7 HP.

The engine builders I have talked with now say the power from a newer Zetec is outside the reach of even the best legal Pinto.

Just making up numbers... the best pinto is around 149, vs. a zetec at 155. YMMV

Problem: Is there really a problem? Do Pinto owners care? Would they come out more if given a HP increase? For this thread let's say a HP increase for the Pinto would be a good thing.

Solution: I have done some research with pro engine builders.

The easiest solution offered so far has two parts.

1. Allow the larger Weber. The current allowed Weber venturis are actually a restrictor to getting any more out of the engine. The larger Weber is not to expensive in the big scheme of things. And it is a bolt-on change.

2. Allow an increase in compression of about 1 point. Most pinto guys are already burning ~110 octane racing fuel, which is well within the needs of the compression boost. A compression boost may make running 100 octane Av-gas problematic.


I am hoping for a polite rational discussion on the merits of such a proposal. I hope not to see a re-hash of battles long ago fought. I also don't see a need to get into a debate about "the system". I'm hoping folks don't flood the SCCA letter system with a lot of letters prematurely, for this is just an informal, non-official inquiry of member thoughts.

Goal: I hope to maybe discover if this is a project worth pursuing, or just a fart in the wind.

Your civil discussion is appreciated in advance.

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