mardi 24 juin 2014

Chuck Tatum

Not sure of the exact date, but a true icon of small bore open wheel and simple sport racers, Chuck Tatum of Crusader fame has very recently passed. Never met Chuck, but heard many great stories of this man with truly amazing accomplishments in his life. Google his name and be amazed.

- WWII Marine veteran who fought on Iwo Jima (featured character on "Pacific") and his book, Red Blood, Black Sand

- Built a significant number of formula and sport racing cars under the name "Crusader"

- CEO (not sure of the time range) at EMPI, one of the largest VW aftermarket parts/racing suppliers.

I am sure there are many more details about Chuck Tatum that I simply don't know. I am certain there are many from SFR who know much better than I. Hoping that a local can fill us in on more details of his life in racing.

God Speed Chuck Tatum

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