mardi 17 juin 2014

books on Formula chassis and engines

Hey guys, I'm looking to purchase a chassis/engine in the next 6 months to begin racing. In the mean time, I'm trying to get as much info as possible so my purchase decision will be as informed as possible. Aside from scouring this website (and some other good ones I've found) and reviewing the SCCA's current competition rules book, is there any good books/links you guys know of that catalogues the different chassis/engines that are used and their strengths/weaknesses and/or reputation?

To give you guys a better idea what it is I'm looking for, I'll give you an example of gaps in my info:

I've read on here about buying a cheaper chassis to learn on that may not be super competitive, and to stick with it until I can hang mid-pack with it, then moving up from there. In some of these threads, people have mentioned specific chassis as examples, but never explained WHY these weren't competitive anymore. If I knew what made certain options less competitive, I may be able to find a chassis that, through its specific weaknesses, may be capable of being made more competitive for less money than an equally priced and equally-uncompetitive alternative chassis. Unfortunately, I don't have the data to know these things yet.

I've seen threads where people were recommended to attend events and talk with the racers, but unfortunately this isn't a realistic option for me just yet since there are no upcoming events in my area.

As a disclaimer to avoid being recommend books I've already purchased (and am currently waiting delivery on), I have the following (but would love recommendations on other books):

A-Z of Formula Racing Cars by David Hodges

Complete Series of Carroll Smith books

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