mardi 2 février 2016

Fontana Majors

Information FM 470 Tires Fontana Majors
Last Year 2015 we ran one set of used tires in practice, one set of stickers race #1, one set of stickers race #2
Lap time in the race was 1:40.

This year 2016 we ran one set of 470’s Practice, Qualifying #1, Qualifying #2, and Race #1.
Each session the tires went faster than we started at. In Qualifying #2 the time was 1:42
In Race #1 we hit a pot hole bent the LF rim and screwed up the Toe, so we were a little slower. (lucky the rim held air)

In Race #2 It rained hard and we went to Rain tires. If it had been dry we would have run the same set of tires.

We changed the ride height, the shocks settings , the tow settings, the wing settings, the packers, and the sway bar settings. The tire performed well and using one set all weekend saved us $ 1200.00

We will take this set and run it for Practice at the next weekend .

This is just information on what we did at the Fontana Majors

Fontana Majors

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