vendredi 26 février 2016

Solid, slotted or drilled?

I'm trying to reduce the weight of my somewhat porky Van Diemen RF89 Special ("Special" for the rebuilt front end which added more weight than it removed.

And so, needing new brake disks anyway (one of my old ones spontaneously cracked this winter after I'd removed it from the car), I'm contemplating biting the bullet, and spending the cash on two-piece, aluminum hat and rotor, disk brakes.

But I'm unsure which way to go with the rotors themselves.

So what's the good word?

Drilled are probably lightest, but I've read that they might be more prone to cracking. Is it worth the additional weight reduction to get them drilled? Are the drilled rotors truly a problem? It seems the majority of the two-piece options out there come with drilled rotors, but there are some offered with slotted rotors instead.

Then there is the option of getting someone (Coleman, say) produce a simple solid rotor.

So what does everyone think?

Solid, slotted or drilled?

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