mardi 28 juillet 2015

Oregon Raceway Park TnT interest?

Hi Guys,

I am in need of some track time to get my car into race form, and have been frustrated with lack of open wheel friendly events in the Northwest.

I talked to the manager at ORP, and they would be happy to host an open track day/ test and tune for formula cars and sports racers specifically. This can be a weekday or weekend, but weekend works best for most people I think.

In my opinion, ORP is one of the most challenging and enjoyable tracks in the area, if not in the country, but so far the only way for open wheel guys to get on track has been at races, and attendance hasn't been great at those. This might be a way for everyone to get a chance to try out the track, improve their lap times, or just enjoy a fun day of low-pressure track driving. For those who haven't been, ORP is in the middle of nowhere, but well worth the trip, and this event would offer an open track all day and several hours of available track time. Attendees could vote on whether to run the track in one direction all day or switch at lunch time.

Anyway, to make this happen we would need at least 20 people to attend, and I have to pay the deposit, so I wanted to get an idea how many people would be interested. No date is set yet, but August 30 has been suggested.

Please let me know if you would potentially attend and any suggestions to connect with others in the area who might be interested. If I get enough interest to be confident I can make it happen I will get it set up and make a new thread with the details.


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