mardi 28 juillet 2015

Help us to do great things

To all:

I’d like to encourage all of our racers to get involved in one of the best causes the racing community supports. Last year, the Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing club raised in excess of $100,000 at this single event. In Denver, Colorado.

As many of you have heard, we have more than 50 CF/FF starting this year. Having been there last year to support our friend, Reid Hazelton, I can tell you this is an event that should cause you to say to yourself, “Self, I need to drop a few bucks here.”

Last year’s donations from racers like us bought this piece of equipment for children’s cancer research. This year’s goal is to raise funds to further enhance this incredible piece of technology.

I’m extremely proud to be ‘competing’ along with my son, Andy. He will be in his ’00 VD coming off two second place finishes last weekend to Phenom, and extraordinary fine young man, Max Mallinen. I’ll be in a classic T540 hanging on for dear life! It’s a Front Range MotorSports shop rental. They changed my number to 116. I didn’t find that ‘upside down’ joke too funny.

I’m very pleased to be able to do a small part for children’s cancer research. Please join us from around the U.S. and the world and show how generous the APEX community is.

Here’s a link to a simple page to donate to the Morgan Adams Foundation:

With gratitude,
(please do it now)

Bob Melvin

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