lundi 2 mars 2015

Super Vee waterpump

On this Schrick 1.6, it has an inline water oil pump as pictured. That pump seems to be kluged to fit and now its no good. Any idea what sort of pump has a shaft like this that comes out the back so it can be coupled with the oil pump?

I also need a complete sump and pump set up for my spare engine. It is a Drake which is completely different.

Here are the casting numbers on the Schrick parts:

sump 050-11-146.2

bracket at rear of waterpump 050-189

oilpump front 100-004

oilpump center 100-002

oilpump rear 100-003

oil filter adaptor 050-148

Any ideas where I can get an inline waterpump?

Where can I get the Schrick (or are they VW) parts numbered above?

I am also interested in buying a complete Drake drysump set up for the spare engine. Any ideas where I can find this stuff?

Attached Images

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