mardi 31 mars 2015

WMR @ Grattan 6/27, 6/28

Hello all,

I'm pleased to announce that registration is open for the "Unrestricted" Double Regional which will be held at Grattan Raceway on June 27th and 28th.

This event is a 2015 Runoffs Qualifying and GLDiv RCS event. We have a six group, four session weekend planned. A Saturday morning practice/qualifying session, Saturday afternoon points race, Sunday morning qualifying race and a Sunday afternoon points race. Should entries dictate, we will compress the schedule and add track time for all competitors.

Like our Majors event, we will be using the 'deferred payment' option in MSR. This will allow you to enter the event at any time and be charged later (6/14). Enter now, pay later.

Link for registration:

Contact the track to reserve a paved paddock spot / garage or sign up for the test day.

As always, email me ( if you have any questions.

Dayle Frame (259138)

Race Co-Chair, WMR Asst RE, Competition Manager

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