mercredi 25 mars 2015

Shopping Blind

Okay, looking at the variety of FF & CF cars that come and go on the for sale lists in various places. I missed a couple of what seemed to be really good deals. However, I am a bit concerned with looking at the right car for me. I am coming to the conclusion I am not really sure what to look for.

I admit I do not know the pros and cons of each make and the various models, but to me the most important is the fit. I have arranged to drive a Zink (10c), for the Washington DC Region Driver School, thanks to the generosity of friends in the DC Region,. The fit in the cockpit is tight, but livable so far (ask me how it is next Monday:checkered:).

I see listings for:






Van Diemen


Various models and configurations of each, and I am sure I missed more than a few.

It would be nice to find something in racing condition, but I think the highest priority and concern is knowing how I fit and the feel of the car then to look for the right one.

In order of priority is:

Fit and comfort (6' 210-215 lbs size 11 driving shoes).

Condition and drivability (race ready or very close).

Price (still thinking).

Location (I can go a long way for the right car combination).

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