lundi 3 août 2015

Pittsburgh Round 3 highlights

Well round three of the Challenge Cup is complete and what a weekend. Thank you to all 17 drivers who took part.

The new layout drew raves from all involved and created some of the best racing we have seen all season. New member Brian Farnham came out of the box on Saturday ready for the challenge and created some the weekends most memorial moments. Brian won Saturdays race followed by Matt Garwood and Jack Maloney also competing for the first time this season.
Chris Elwell established the new lap record in race one. This after flying in Thursday night from Europe and then driving through the night from Kentucky to complete.

In the masters race Dean Curtis won followed by Ray Carmody and Steve Kwasnik.

Sunday brought sunny skies again and more great racing. In what is being call " the pass" Brian Farnham passed Matt on the outside of turn 8 for the race lead on the last lap which lead to a drag race with Matt edging Brian by inches at the line. Chris Elwell finishing third after a great drive from the back. Brian lowering Chris's time to establish the new lap record during race 2.

In masters Dean swept the weekend followed by Ray and Johan Wassermann in third.
It should also be noted the wins were the first car race wins for both Brian and Matt, but I am sure they will not be the last. There was great tight racing throughout the grid in both races with the odd spin but no crashes so we applaud all drivers for your level headedness and professionalism.
For full race results go to

Looking forward to the next round this weekend at Pocono.

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