mardi 25 août 2015

Looking for info on this 70’s era Merlyn MK25

Posting on behalf of someone who contacted MoHud Region SCCA:

"Hello, I have restored 70’s era Merlyn MK25 and I believe it was raced in the NY state area. I have no history on the car prior to it being raced in the Midwest. The car no longer has an ID plate on it so I was looking for possible information from the regional SCCA archives. I have attached an old photo of the car as it was raced on the east coast. I don’t have any information on who took the photo. Wondering if there is someone that could help me out. Best Regards, Jeff Hess"

Thanks - EJ Smith

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Old Merlyn pic.jpg (234.7 KB)

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