lundi 31 août 2015

Sears Point Indy race

Nice fabricated yellow flag by Indy Car yesterday! 4 or 5 laps for nothing as the car was running and a white flag would have been the normal indication around the track for the slow car. It completely screwed up the order and while Montoya running into Power was his fault the scenario the yellow created also created the drama. They " didn't see " the pit fuel hose screw up for Rahal then couldn't put two and two together when they threw the yellow for the fuel nozzle and couldn't figure out that there would be only one ripped off nozzle in the pits and the rest of the world sees it on TV in Fontana! I wonder if anyone there has a brain? As for double points maybe football should introduce double points for the last quarter of a game? What a joke!Dixon did a hell of a job and deserved to win this debacle but this outcome was surely a long shot without the useless officiating!

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