dimanche 3 avril 2016

Right Coast Formula F Series Announces American Pen Company


The Right Coast Formula F Series (RCFFS) is excited to announce that American Pen Company of Lakewood, Colorado has joined as the presenting sponsor for RCFFS’s fledgling 2016 season of five race weekends.

The RCFFS prides itself on promoting the country’s most inclusive race events catering to Formula F cars of all configurations and drivers of all ages with minimally demanding requirements. The main rule: designating a car as Club FF (CFF) as opposed to a Formula F (FF). To be a CF, at least one end of the car must have outboard suspension, as in the shock/spring units being fully exposed to the airstream. Generally, this means cars through 1981 models can be CF while newer inboard all around chassis are FF. All vintage and historic Formula Ford owners are also cordially invited as we offer a treaded tire group with RCFFS to accommodate this group of FF enthusiasts.

As RCFFS is not a points-oriented championship, the rare level playing field often strived for but rarely obtained becomes not an issue. The point of RCFFS is found with safe, competitive racing amongst a large number of similarly minded open wheel racers.

All are welcome regardless of their car’s year of manufacture, or which SCCA legal motor the competitor chooses. Additionally, there is no “spec” tire. A racer who prefers their regularly used sticky slick, a hard compound treaded vintage tire or even shaved radials is welcome to choose anything as long as the chosen tires fit on the four-decade standard wheel measurement: 5.5”
wide by 13” diameter. Steel wheels are acceptable as are the most modern light alloys as long as they are the prescribed measurements.

The RCFFS will host five race weekends in 2016 with dedicated FF/CF sessions at all events and for the majority of scheduled track sessions. Each weekend will also feature more racing than practice or qualifying as competitors have expressed that they would rather put time and miles into racing than practice sessions.

Scheduling has been finalized at five distinct and aspirational tracks: Mid-Ohio, Pittsburgh International Race Complex, NJMP’s fast and fun Lightning Course as well as Summit Point (considered the ancestral home of RCFFS and the original DUFFUS series) and the new Dominion Raceway in Virginia.

The Northeastern folks are encouraged to run in Flash Mob not actually part of RCFFS except by popular acclaim at the long standing NARRC Runoffs at historic Lime Rock Park in late August as well as the freshly repaved and equally historic Watkins Glen International for the return to
the traditional early fall weekend, the Fun One, where all race the long course on Saturday and the short, or so-called NASCAR, course on Sunday.
FF driver and APC President, Bob Melvin, along with APC Vice President and fellow FF pilot extraordinaire, Reid Hazelton, agreed to sign on as the 2016 Presenting Sponsor amongst a host of corporate partners and contingency sponsors [look for an announcement soon…].

We anticipate welcoming an excellent and diverse field of FF and CF of all ages and configurations at NJMP come the first weekend of June.

The 2016 season of RCFFS is looking to be a fun one. Join us, won’t you?


Joe Marcinski

(American Pen Company is a U.S. based volume manufacturer of fine writing instruments. APC can be found at: AmericanPenCompany.com In 2015, APC sponsored a FF in SCCA Majors events. In his first appearance rookie driver Andy Melvin claimed 5th place in Daytona SCCA Runoffs in the U-BOAT/American Pen Company Van Diemen.)

Right Coast Formula F Series Announces American Pen Company

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