mardi 22 septembre 2015

Coolest thing at Daytona

After 9000 some posts by now you must know i am a formula car nut. But....

Tonight at 8:00pm they set loose something like 65 spec Miatas under the lights at Daytona, and it was a hellva show.

No black flags. Just 30 minutes of intense dicing. All the while we were standing in a brisk tropical breeze taking it in. It was a neat show.

Standing there with GT1vette, we were talking about what looked different. We both agreed it was the average age of those hooting and hollering in the stands. We guessed that average was about 20 or more years younger than the average age in the paddock.

Looking forward to watching the SM race under the lights Friday night.
A real bonus of being at Daytona.

Jim Morgan thinks the bonus of being here is that we don't have to drive 30 minutes to find a restuarant. There are about 20 within a half mile of the track.

I have now heard from about a dozen people the site for the 2017 Runons... it must be true. Could it be somewhere between Louisville and Chicago? ;)

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