jeudi 30 octobre 2014

WANTED: ApexSpeed FV Moderator

Well, once again we're looking for another set of eyes to help us with the growing population of the website, and we'd like to have a representative from the FV world.

It would be important that you are on the site at least once a day, spend more time in the FV section of the site that anywhere else, but still have an interest in keeping things clean on the rest of the forums. No prior forum Mod experience is necessary, but you should at least be comfortable with typical web/browser-based user interface controls on a computer or website.

Pay is terrible (nothing), rewards are few and far between, stardom is unlikely, and there isn't even a cool name patch for your work shirt (but that IS a good idea...). Please apply within.

Or send me an IM if you are interested in helping out on ApexSpeed behind the curtain. :margarita:


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