lundi 27 octobre 2014

AIM to CSV conversion

Either through my own careless note keeping or a change to AIM software, I was confused in trying to save CSV files in Race Studio and then open them in SciLab. I had done it before but it was behaving differently this time.

Opening the CSV's in Notepad I found that there are double quotes before and after each and every value that Race Studio saved in the CSV. By trial and error I found that opening the CSV in Excel and then saving it in Excel, again as a CSV, got rid of the double quotes. Double quotes make each entry in the data file a separate string variable and not really usable for calculations.

Like I said, either my notes are faulty or AIM changed the CSV conversion with the recent software release. Does anyone know which? Better yet, is there a way to make the conversion to CSV without the quotes? I tried the various CSV conversion check-boxes but didn't find one that did what I wanted. I want the header on the file as I have written a SciLab script to work with it.

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