mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Operation: John Spinello

One of our long-time ApexSpeed members, John Spinello (thewarehouse) or J.P. as many call him, has helped me a few times over the years. He selflessly helped me tow back my Citation Formula Vee many years ago, when I didn't have any trailering capabilities, and he owns our original 1990 Reynard FC that was converted to a FF. We're connected in a lot of ways.

Driving up to pick up my Citation, I learned that his dad invented the game "Operation" many years ago. I actually got to meet his dad at the 40th FF event at Road America a few years ago as I was looking over our old car. John's dad (John) invented a lot of old time games that you probably have on your shelves right now.

His name popped up in our Twitter feeds today, in an article on NPR. He's in need on an expensive surgery and can't afford it. I guess the licensing on those games was sold years ago, and the rest was as an employee of the company he worked for.

Looks like there is a Crowdrise (crowd funding) effort started to help John get his surgery. Seems like a worthwhile cause for one of our own...

NPR Article

Crowdfunding Campaign


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