lundi 27 octobre 2014

2014 Championship – Some Thank You’s

I didn’t get the chance at Saturday’s podium ceremony when I was presented the Randy Shinn Trophy to say a few words, but there are a few people I want to thank.

First of all my fellow competitors, it isn’t a race unless your all out there competing. I have to thank Doug, we have raced together wheel to wheel for the last couple of seasons and I don’t recall as much as a wheel rub (well if you exclude the bump drafting from time to time), he has always raced me hard but fair (and too dam fast). Phil McSherry and Bill Bonow also fall in the same camp, Phil hit the series running this year and will be a tough competitor going forward.

Part of the reason we go FST racing is because we like hanging out with all the people. All of the crews, families and friends in FST are a great bunch, I can’t think of someone who hasn’t helped us out at some point with parts, advice or assistance when things have gone sideways. Especially Butch & Barb Deer and Bill Bonow, who have literally picked us up off the side of the road after a car crash, for that and everything we owe everybody

But a couple of special mentions:

Larry & Penny Campbell – Larry’s support, advice and hard work at the track and Penny’s friendship have been greatly appreciated.

Jim & Katy Schings – I have raced with Jim now for 8 years, I like to tell people racing with Jim is like racing with your crazy uncle, it’s been a whole ton of fun. When Jim announced he was going to retire for the second time at the end of the 13 season I really wanted to win the championship for him, as we had come so close in 2012, but we had a tough year and it wasn’t to be. So I was very happy we he decided to come back and run a one car program for me this year, and it worked despite a few mechanicals we had a great season, luck aside.

Last, I have to thank Tracy, she is always my biggest supporter, she puts up with my frustration when things go wrong (which they do in racing more than they go right), my uncensored radio ‘chatter’ and the lack of creature comforts at most tracks. But most of all because not only does she let me do this, but she does it with me. :checkered::checkered::checkered:.

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