mercredi 29 octobre 2014

An apology


A couple of months ago, I replied to a post that highly agitated and offended another Apex member. Stunned by his reaction and words that hurt me deeply, I could only respond with “this will be my last post on Apex”.

Following the collapse of the Formula Ford Underground, the entire FFU membership was cordially invited to join Apexspeed, and without hesitation, I was the third FF driver to register. Over the years, I had found the Apex membership to be a family whose company I enjoyed the pleasure of, and that I admired and respected all absolutely and completely. And being without has left me empty.

Now I have sat in judgment of myself several times over this, and have come to realize my only salvation is to apologize to the membership, and ask your forgiveness for my thoughtless and insensitive comment. I am ashamed.

Further, I want to make it right to the member I replied to, as well as the Gent I offended. Please, give me a call, that I may apologize in person: (218) 821-nine two one zero.



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