lundi 22 septembre 2014

what gives ???

which nameless volunteer(s) or member(s) of the establishment do we have to thank for this? what problem is being solved or is this an effort to reduce litigation exposure from different technical solutions? fans have been unrestricted since the FFord rules were first written. and now with no public discussion or comment, the rules are suddenly changed. batteries, wiring, switches, ducts, seals, fans, and heat exchanger(s) all take volume and weight to solve the heat transfer problem just like other approaches....



1. #14645 (Formula/Sports Racing Committee) FF and FC: Disallow Fans for Radiators

Thank you for your letter.

The CRB recommends eliminating the use of cooling fans in FF and FC cars so cooling systems are

not developed into aerodynamic systems in these cars.

Make the below changes:


Change q. Cooling System Cooling system is unrestricted. Any radiator,

fan,water pump and drive belt permitted. Pump/fan/generator/alternator drive belt: Unrestricted.

Cooling fans are not allowed.

Honda Fit: Add


Cooling fans are not allowed.

Pinto: Change Pump, fan, and generator/alternator drive pulleys are unrestricted.

Cooling fans are not allowed.

Zetec: Change and .t.:

q. A liquid cooling system is mandatory, but radiator and water pump are unrestricted. Cooling fans

are not permitted

t. Pump, fan,and generator/alternator drive pulleys are unrestricted.

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