jeudi 13 mars 2014

New Jersey is Trying to Dethrone Florida

We Florida natives are taking this serious. New Jersey, the state that sends us the second highest number of retirees that drive slowly in the left lane with their right turn signal on, is now trying to take away our title as the most scandalous state in the Great U. S. of A.

The world seems to be forgetting we put W in office, have the largest number of women that try to kill their children, and Stand our Ground with zeal rivaling Texas.

Now New Jersey, jealous of all our press, has started a campaign to unseat us. A state that won't let adults pump their own gas, blocks highways during rush hour, and hypes a non-existent F1 race, now will not allow Tesla to sell their cars within the Garden State's borders.

Stay tuned, the gauntlet has been thrown down...

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