lundi 31 mars 2014

Atlanta Public Service Announcement

With only a little over a week to go before load-in, and considering many workers and crew in the paddock are of more advanced age, having witnessed the changes that have occurred over 4 or 5 decades of racing, I feel it is very important to put some word out early so as to prevent possible shock, stroke, or heart attacks on pit lane.

Team Weitzenhof, (known as DaveW to Apexspeeders) has purchased and installed the newest digital radios into their operation.

Much like third world nations that have leap-froged from no telephone service straight into cell phones, Dave (engineer that he is) never thought radio technology over the past 40 years had technically developed enough to fit the high standards of Weitzenhof Racing. Now with the newest digital technology in place, he has stepped forward, thus skipping wasting money on all the previous iterations.

I have personally seen the car and helmet installation. So, this story is real. (notice it is March 31, not April 1) The installation is very professionally done. Obviously folks in Bath Ohio do not face the distractions of having to go fishing/boating a lot during the last few months as those of us in Florida, so time to do a professional install is readily available between running the snow blower.

To further heighten the impact of this change, Weitzenhof racing has developed a race channel monitor that will broadcast the control channel over speakers withinin their compound.

To pile on the weight of this shocking development, Dave has retired the worlds loudest portable generator, and purchased a new quiet unit. Another sure sign of the rapidly approaching apocalypse.

It has been reported the team's head statistician and timer, Sherrie, is taking a course on radio transmission technique.

When Dave was worrying about the exact position for the push-to-talk button his spotter remarked, "Dave, it's not a big deal, I expect you won't be using it much."

Immediately Dave replied, "We'll see about that!"

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