vendredi 12 décembre 2014

BoD Majors Class Accord or "The Concord Agreement"

In the Dec 2014 Fastrack, there was a mention of the Concord Agreement. page 3

Michael Lewis lead discussion on the Concord agreement. The plan is designed to structure what the highest level of Club

racing will look like in the future. This is Majors and Runoffs and does not impact what cars and classes can be run at Regionals.

Drivers prefer single class (or fewer class) racing. Racing should also provide for credible competition in these events. The plan

should provide rules stability to begin, then clear roadmaps for cars/classes to reach an end goal over several years.

MOTION: to rename the Concord Agreement the Majors Class Accord. Harris/Helman. For: Patullo, Walsh, Butler,

Kephart, Lewis, Lindstrand, Helman, Pulliam, Harris. Against Hanushek, Langlotz, Zekert PASSED: 9-3

MOTION: Instruct CRB to administer a 10-year Class management program that contains the following elements:

1. Immediately institute a 3 year stability period for all classes during which no new classes will be

considered. Note that an exception will be made for SRF3 due to timing.

2. Undertake a 6 month study to determine a 14-16 class Majors (national) club racing structure to be

fully achieved by 2025.

3. Based on 2025 class structure, establish category – based committees populated with subject matter

experts. These committees to specify best path for current classes to arrive at 2025 targets. The

process to be complete within 12 months of program start.

4. Based on category committee results and internal deliberation, establish and administer a phased

approach to reach 2025 class configuration in year 4 through 10 of the program.

Lewis/Kephart. For: Patullo, Walsh, Butler, Kephart, Lewis, Lindstrand, Helman, Pulliam, Harris. Against Hanushek,

Langlotz, Zekert PASSED 9-3.

I know we don't all scour the Fastrack from front to back every month, but this is a significant plan that they are looking to push through. To get to 14-16 classes from the current 27 Runoffs classes, there will have to be some significant consolidation.

I'm sure we're all for more competition in our selected classes and would love to only run with our class if we had enough entrants. Looking at the plan do you think it would increase the competition level? From my perspective of seeing classes consolidated in the past, we tend to lose more than we gain.

But I'm not here to push my agenda. I'm here to say that you should write to the BoD and CRB to express your votes, for or against. (email that goes to the entire board) (website that goes to the CRB with rules request)

We have a lot of chatter on the Prod board, but we tend to get worked up about things. Some of the consolidation would come to our classes, and some of you may agree with that. And that is fine. I imagine that there would be some Formula classes that would also be combined. That may increase competition and be great for all. Whatever you want, let those in power know now.


Brian Linn

F-Prod racer

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