mardi 23 décembre 2014

Wow .... it CAN happen ... Thanks Santa!

Jason, et. al. recently attended the Florida End-of-Year Awards Banquet. During the pre dinner mingling I caught up with a now owner/driver of a SCCA enduro team (and former local travel hockey as was I); we started discussing the NHL/Panthers and then his first year racing, his to-be-announced award then he asked to and privately spoke to Jason for some time.

During the dinner Jason received an award based upon his year's total performances. The RE (Jason's first SCCA Driving Instructor) recapped his year in both the Majors/SARRC and presented him with a excellent "Nat'l Driver Of The Year" trophy (Jason presented them with a "Worker's Libation Fund" contribution).

Thereafter, this time in the post dinner mingle, the owner and Jason chatted again and afterwards Jason walks up and tells me that as a co-owner/driver of a SM team, he had watched Jason race at the Majors/SARRC races all this year and was offered "..... a ride with the team at an up coming enduro event!"

Not quite a "Tudor SC" ride BUT a ride for sure and a Great Early Christmas Gift

Right place, right time, right circumstances ................. - testing is Sunday @ Homestead.

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