dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Future Plans

So the questions has been asked, what are we going to do to increase awareness for the F1200 group.

As you all know a new executive team is in place, and going through a transitional phase (gathering info, agreements, working with the region).

Part of the idea for starting the Thread in the FV forums was to get ideas from other race groups / Drivers as to what works and doesn't. Take from those ideas and see what we can implement into out group.

In the near future we will be updating Websites, Facebook and other social media avenues.

We will be working closely with the region to see how we can promote the F1200 better.

We are working closely with the AM/CAN series to make this year even better than last year. (thank you to the hard work of everyone involved marking this series come true)

Other plans will be discussed as a group over emails and our next meeting. While this forum is great, only a small portion of drivers are actually represented here.

But remember, everything we want or need to do, will require everyone's help to execute. We will need people to step up to help. We are going to get out what people put in, that I can guarantee.

In the mean time if you have any ideas, or thoughts please feel free to email to me, we can share with the group.

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