vendredi 29 août 2014

Why us?

OK, Am I alone in wondering why FF will be combined with the go-karts (F5) for the Runoffs?

A quick look at the number of entries for each class shows:

FA 17

F1K 15

FC 22

FE 11

FF 26

FM 18

FV 32

F5 11

So the second largest Formula car class (FF) will be combined with F5 to make the largest grouping of Formula cars. Does that make sense? It does not to me. With all the money HPD is using to buy the class, how can they stand for that?

Sorry for the rant. It just seems that the classes with less than 15 entries could be combined. Oh wait Enterprises would not like that.

This post is the result of three glasses of wine with dinner and I have not even poured my Cognac yet.

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