vendredi 22 janvier 2016

Finding a New 2016 Paint Scheme!!

Been planning out the New color Scheme for the FF this coming season and due to the new suit, I am one that likes things to match...

Got a brand new suit for Christmas and Thought I'd follow along with that!

Black and Green

What the Car looks like now...

Some Edits I've done to add some congruency with the suit!

The monster decals are on there mainly because these colors do resemble their logo's and such. Most likely wont do that, but Thinking about doing the Chassis in lime green!!

I've been told the Kodiak Wheels are pretty rare at this point, and painting them would be a bad idea since they're irreplaceable at this point?

Some of you might say that I should quit racing and never touch colors or cars again hahah Which I understand!...Here in MD we're getting a bunch of snow and It'll be a long weekend! :revs::revs::revs::tire::tire:

Let me know what you all think or any suggestions you may have!

Finding a New 2016 Paint Scheme!!

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