jeudi 19 février 2015

Thermostat Installation

Cooling expert with practical experience needed!

I know most of our cars don't use thermostats but I've decided to try one for reasons summarized below.

My question is "What size hose should I use from the bypass outlet to the return hose?" - in other words the hose that short circuits the radiator during warm up - or cool running.

My normal hose is 1.25" diam but I do have 3/4" restrictors coming out of the heads. Would a .75" diam bypass hose be appropriate? Some production cars use the same size hose (ie. 1.25"on mine) but most performance car references I've found on the internet seem to have a smaller one - some very small.

All recommendations appreciated.

Car set up - V6 engine with separate rads - left bank is cooled by left rad, right bank by right rad - only place the two water sustems meet is the return inlet to the single water pump. Right rad is half the size of the left. Overall the car seems overcooled even in 90degF weather. I've experimented with air flow blockers (both intake and exhaust) but they seem too sensitive. For instance 230degF in qualifying, removed or reduced air blocker only to have only 160-170 in the race. This may well be because most of my races are 90 minute 'enduros' where 10/10ths driving is not necessary the whole race.

Will a bypass thermostat help this situation? Just going to put it in the left bank.

I'll have to make up a special housing but that's no problem.

Thx - Derek

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