mardi 16 décembre 2014

Distinction between full and vintage license


I have held a regional license since 1997 and more recently the full competion.

For the last 3 years I have retained my SCCA license with the intent to run regional events, but have raced all vintage (VRG) because that is where the fields are in CF.

Maybe I wasn't paying attention before, but I just realized that there is a vintage class of license.

Can someone explain to me the distinction?

I understand that a full (nee: national) is required to run the majors, but what else am I missing. The vintage is also $30.00 cheaper.

Also, to retain my full competition license, I am guessing that Topeka will send me a notice that I have not fullfilled the requirements and that I have to go to my Divisional Licensing Chair for a waiver, which will cost me an addtional $20.00.

I did 3 events (Summit, PIRC, and NJMSP) in 2014.

Am I to presume that SCCA doesn't consider vintage events to be "real racing" and the necessity of the waiver.

Truth be told there were 30 cars at summit and 20 in each of the other two.

Nobody gave an inch at the front half of the field.

If I just did SCCA regionals I might have had 5 cars on a good weekend.

PS In case you suggest why don't I just change my license to another club, I would like to think of SCCA as my primary club of choice and I haven't discounted still doing events.

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