samedi 15 novembre 2014

What F1 rules should be?

Ok guys, been reading all the posts about what the F1 rules should be an thought this is a good fall and winter project.

I will start of with what I think are some of the important factors.

1. Lots of HP. Perhaps simple 5L V8 turning 10k or maybe a small engine turbo. Maybe both, who knows.

2. Lots of tire on the ground. At least 15" diameter wheels.

3. Limited downforce. When I say limited I mean something in the range of 1.0 to 1.5 times the vehicle weight of total Df at 200 mph. So if the car weighed 1000 lbs ready to race then the aero could be about 1000 lbs to 1500 lbs total Df at 200 mph. Even this is too much IMO to allow wheel to wheel racing.

4. Fuel limits???

5. Cost limits are tough but a MUST IMO. How about a maximum budget in $$/year for the cars and team but not including the drivers pay?

Perhaps we discuss the giant picture as above before we start coming up with actual rules.

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