samedi 29 novembre 2014

How do WE Do it.

So I spent some time reading over all the posts trying to pull out all the different suggestions and ideas and put them all together. So here is what I have come up with, in point form. Please feel free to add anything or comment on errors. I don't think there is any right or wrong ideas. It will really depend what everyone can do with them.

1. Tell people we exist, seem to be one of the top points.

2. Market the Class, in Different ways depending on your target Audience.

3. Maintain Cost control

4. Make it easier for new drivers to enter the class. (Information)

5. Social Media

6. Website

7. Work with Other Regions / Classes

8. Work with Organizing body.

9. Get more people to the track. (Spectators)

10. Investigate Pro/Large Events.

11. Offer Test Days

12. Sponsorship

13. Show off the Cars at Shows and Events

But to all Nay-Sayers, based on all the feed back, it shows the the FV/F1200 is strong and passionate, There is NO reason we cannot make it work.

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